Sunday, November 17, 2013

Touch Down

"Touch Down"

I've always loved looking out the window of an airplane while flying. The different view of our world astonishes me to no end. With that being said, I have spent countless hours while in flight trying to capture these special views of the planet. Out of every view, one I had never been able to save the one moment that I find most intriguing. Time and time again, when landing, I have listened, felt and watched as the airplane once again meets up with the ground. In that moment, you can truly see and feel the force that is used to make such travel possible. In the sky, you travel hundreds of miles per hour, and barely feel the motion at all, other than the occasional turbulence from the weather. Unknowingly, I had taken it upon myself to freeze that crucial moment in time. That moment when you're seat belt is fastened, your seats are in the upright position, and you descent. Suddenly, you are enveloped by the sheer strength of your speed you hardly noticed. Now I can finally say that I have Touch Down.

I invite you to view and like my page at You can find all of my photos here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

This photo is also available for purchase at

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lake Erie Waves Hello

"Lake Erie Waves Hello"

Growing up on Lake Erie, I loved going to the beaches and swimming in the lake, riding the waves. Being young, I figured that's what all lakes looked like. Of course, now that I'm grown, I can fully understand why it truly is a Great Lake. Its size and beauty never cease to amaze me. I now live in an area that has a lake, although nothing like what I'm used to. In my eyes, the Great Lakes are like mini fresh water oceans. Especially when I'm reminded of the waves I used to ride when I was young. Any time I return home for a visit, I make sure to put some time aside so that I can return to the beaches I went to so often so that I can take in the beauty and wave hello back. Please follow me on facebook at This photo is available for sale at

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Autumn Beginnigs

"Autumn Beginnings"

Before I moved to California, I lived in an area where I was able to experience all four seasons. At the time, I guess you could say I took the beauty for granted, since it was all I had ever known. Changing colored leaves was just the normal around autumn. Once I moved to California and into the Mojave Desert, I was shocked to discover that the distinct seasons I once knew were pretty much non existent as I had known them. The green grass, rolling hills and tall trees were replaced with brown dirt, expansive mountain ranges, cactus and Joshua trees. Without the water being supplied from rain, very few trees were around that actually had trees that would change color. Because of this, I was adamant about having at least one tree in my yard that could change color and remind me of the home I once knew. Every year, I look forward to seeing the green of its leaves change from green to the bright marvelous colors I remember and hold so tightly to. Every year I'm reminded about how truly amazing nature truly is. So here are some Autumn Beginnings from the Maple tree in my front yard. If you like this photo, you can purchase it, along with other photos of mine at I also invite you to visit and follow me on Facebook at I'd love to hear what you think. Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Frozen In Purple

"Frozen In Purple"

Growing up in Pennsylvania, I was (and still am) used to having four distinct seasons every year. I loved making snowmen and forts in five feet of snow while trying to catch flakes on my tongue. Saying that, when I moved to central California, I felt as if I was thrust into a new world. Four seasons were not known. If I wanted any snow at all, I had to travel up thousands of feet into the tall mountains for a few hours of delight before coming back down to my new desert home. Now a couple years later, living in the mountains at least gives me a small taste of both worlds. I'm still not used to it though. Granted that during the winters here I still get a couple inches of snow, it still doesn't have the constant freezing cold weather, so I forget that the nights can get chilly. One January day, I was watering my garden, and when I was finished, I had forgotten to turn the hose water off. That night was one of the few nights that it got below freezing for a few short hours. When I awoke the following morning, I was welcomed to an ice wonderland. The cold weather had frozen the water in my hose, causing it to break apart and allowing water to rain freely over my entire yard throughout the night. Icicles covered every flower, tree and cactus I had, with some icicles being well over 4 feet long. Rocks and leaves were covered solid in a thick layer of ice. For a brief moment, I felt like I was little again, enjoying the beauty of nature. I sat there all morning until it warmed up, enjoying my garden being Frozen In Purple. If you like this photo, you can find it for sale (along with my other work) at I also urge you to come view all of my work and follow me at Have a great day!

Friday, October 4, 2013

After the Rain

"After the Rain"

Any time I know there's going to be rain coming nearby, my first thought is to grab the camera, run outside, and start shooting. I love how water works in nature. The way that it acts as a tiny lens giving me views that aren't otherwise easily seen calls to me, begging to be captured. The way the droplets lay on a leaf is nothing short of perfection, and I long to keep this frozen in time forever. Although my camera doesn't like the rain nearly as much as I do, I usually find ways to win the ability to get the photos I want. And so I present to you, my rose garden, after the rain. If you like this photo, it is available for purchase at I also urge and invite you to follow me on facebook at Check it out and keep clicking!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blowing Dirt

"Blowing Dirt"

I suppose it's a safe statement to say that I love a good brain teaser. Now, you may be asking "what on Earth does this have to do with this picture??" The best answer I can come up with, is that Mother Nature loves to show her mood with the weather. When she's mad, we have storms. When she's sad, she gives us rain, and so on. Then we have the days when it's as shown here. A beautiful, calm sunny day where everything seems perfect, when suddenly along comes her anger. I adore how weather works and how it looks. The wind is always an amazing thing to photograph, and I enjoy all of its wonder. If you like this photo, I invite and encourage you to visit (and perhaps like) my facebook page at You can also find my photos for sale at

The Half Moon

"The Half Moon"

Since as far back as I can remember, the Universe has captivated me. I can vividly remember learning in school that the Sun was a star. That night, I looked up at a sky full of stars and thought "the Sun is the same as those!" Ever since then, I was hooked. I have a need to capture as much of the Universe as I possibly can (and hopefully share the beauty and wonder with you), and understand how and why it works as it does. Astronomy has fueled my love of mathematics and the sciences. I take my camera outside, hoping for a memory of the night's sky to keep forever. Our own moon seems a good start to the journey. If you like this photo, it is available for sale at I also invite you to visit my facebook page at to view this and other photos I've taken. Your comments and ideas are always welcomed!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Blazing End

"A Blazing End"

The sky....I have a love for it beyond words. Whether it be during the day or at night. It holds so much beauty and wonder! Come dawn and dusk, it creates the perfect canvas for light to paint such a masterpiece. I love that they are never the same, and the colors vary so widely. From the bright yellows to the deep purples, a sunset is rarely a let down as far as I'm concerned. Certainly something that takes my breath away, time and time again. I invite you to visit my site to view this and other photos I have taken. Also, you can by a print at I can also be followed on Instagram as Smileygirl469, and on ViewBug at

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Memories in the Pole

"Memories in the Pole"

I'll admit, as much as I understand their purpose, I'm not all that fond of posters stapled and taped all over a city. My reason is simply this: as much as they'll help sell an item or find a lost pet, the paper will most likely get ripped down and end up drifting around the city before ending up in a drain. That being said, this telephone pole captivated me. If it would have been possible, I could have stood there all day staring at the two inch deep blanket made from staples and poster corners. What had been there? How was it that this pole was able to bare such a collection? How old was this? Who had stood in my place at one time to either glance at this or add to it? My mind just about exploded with wonder and questions. I guess another person's trash really is another's treasure. I can remember that treasure forever. You can follow me on facebook at and order prints from

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Purple Stars

"Purple Stars"

One day shortly after I got my first camera, I was outside taking pictures of flowers in my garden. Since it was new, I wasn't entirely sure how all of the little gadgets on it worked. Somehow, without knowing, I managed to zoom in way too far while taking one of my snapshots. When I looked at the photo, although it was pretty much a scrap picture, I noticed a bit of detail in one small area that I was amazed at. I had no idea a camera could get that much detail! After that, I immersed myself in the art of Macro Photography. I still have plenty to learn, and I'm nowhere near perfect at it, but even so, I'm drawn to get as close as I can with as much detail as I can. Whether it be a flower, an insect, a rain drop or what have you, the feeling of knowing I can capture such a spectacle of a different world is intriguing to me. So here you have it. A Macro photo consisting of one of my garden flowers. I invite you to visit my site to see this, along with other photos I've taken. This is also available for sale at  Also, if you're really up to it, you can find me on Instagram as Smileygirl469. 

Colors of Flowers

"Colors of Flowers"

It's not very often that I do photos with black and white. Although I love B&W photos, I just feel like I'm missing a main ingredient from life. With this photo, I decided to combine both aspects because I felt it accentuates the beauty radiating from the center of this flower. When I first saw this flower, I could do nothing but stare at it. The symmetry of it just took my breath away, with the color as the icing on the cake. You can view this and other photos of mine at and also where prints are available for sale.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Flying High

"Flying High"

I love to fly. Well, I love to be in an airplane when it's flying. I see so many people sitting in the plane reading, doing puzzles, watching a movie or sleeping, and I just can't do it! I'm drawn to the amazement and beauty I see while looking out the window. The clouds capture my attention with their crazy designs and breathtaking perfection. Whether they're faint and wispy, or huge marshmallows, they beckoned to be photographed. And so, they shall be. At least by me. I invite you to view, share and perhaps like my page at and if you'd like, it is available for purchase at

If It Walks Like A Duck

"If It Walks Like A Duck"
Sometimes something will shout to me, just begging to be captured as a photo. This duck did just that. I suppose it just wanted a friend to hang out with for a bit, which was fine with me. I found it cute to watch. I would follow it, trying to get the photo, and as soon as I would stop, it would follow me. This continued for the better part of an hour, and I found it so humorous! I could only imagine what was going through this little duck's mind. Sometimes the simplest things are the most perfect. I welcome you to visit my page at to see this, and other photos I've taken. If you'd like to purchase this photo, or any of my photos for that matter, you can find them for sale at

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Forest Wonderland

                                "Forest Wonderland"

This photo was taken in California's Sequoia National Forest in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. At this 7,000 feet above sea level point, this forest contains the largest trees in world, called the Giant Sequoias. In the higher sea levels, this forest gets a beautiful blanket of snow each year, despite being in the Mojave Desert. You can view this photo along with others at and purchase it at